How to Vote on Regen Testnet Proposals

2 min readFeb 15, 2021
Vote on Regen Network Testnet

First check what all proposals are active by:

regen query gov proposals

This will list all the proposal that you can vote on

next_key: null
total: "0"
- content:
'@type': /
description: Owning and caring for a cat can be a source of great enjoyment, but
you should be aware that cat ownership is a major responsibility.
title: Mandatory cat ownership requirement for all Regen validators.
deposit_end_time: "2021-02-17T12:18:20.044700034Z"
abstain: "0"
"no": "0"
no_with_veto: "0"
"yes": "0"
proposal_id: "2"
submit_time: "2021-02-15T12:18:20.044700034Z"
- amount: "600001000"
denom: utree
voting_end_time: "2021-02-17T12:29:09.137791409Z"
voting_start_time: "2021-02-15T12:29:09.137791409Z"
- content:
'@type': /cosmos.upgrade.v1beta1.SoftwareUpgradeProposal
description: 'Upgrade the network to use regen-ledger@0.6.1. Important updates
with this upgrade: 1) Add groups module 2) Fix missing grpc-gateway API integrations'
height: "138650"
info: ""
name: Gir
time: "0001-01-01T00:00:00Z"
upgraded_client_state: null
title: The Gir Upgrade
deposit_end_time: "2021-02-17T15:16:41.373777796Z"
abstain: "0"
"no": "0"
no_with_veto: "0"
"yes": "0"
proposal_id: "3"
submit_time: "2021-02-15T15:16:41.373777796Z"
- amount: "5000000000"
denom: utree
voting_end_time: "2021-02-17T15:18:41.952492719Z"
voting_start_time: "2021-02-15T15:18:41.952492719Z"

Cast a Vote:

You have 4 options to vote:
1) Yes
2) No
3) NoWithVeto
4) Abstain

The team’s proposal_id is 3


regen tx gov vote 3 yes --from <your_address> --gas auto -y --fees=2000utree --chain-id aplikigo-1

The one in the bold can/should be changed :)

If you are curious you may ask what are the conditions for a proposal to pass?

Well that depends upon 3 parameter:

  1. Quorum
    It is the minimum number of votes that needs to be casted for the result to be valid, which is 1/3
  2. Threshold
    Threshold is defined as the minimum proportion of Yes votes, which should be more than 50%
  3. NoWithVeto
    The count of NoWithVeto should be less than 1/3 of the total votes casted.

So if 33.34% of total validators cast vote and out ofwhich 50% votes yes and count of NoWithVeto is less than 33% of the total votes casted, The proposal will pass.

